Professionals in different disciplines identified and
defined Parental Alienation as the pervasive practice of one divorcing
parent against the other parent to destroy the relationship of the
targeted parent with his or her children. This is usually done with the
intent to gain financial benefits in court.
Since 1990, the year that The Convention on Rights of the Child entered into force, a more pernicious form of Parental Alienation has permeated global societies. In order to comply with the yearly resolutions suggested by NGOs to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, States and their governments initiated, developed and sustained a persecution against parents to separate them from their children. Those resolutions are accepted unquestiongly and never contested.
Children Protection agencies are heartlessly taking children away from their homes and their parents, grandparents and family under the most unreasonable and heinous excuses in order to give them away to foster homes and adoption places.
This absurd cruelty and brutality has to stop now!
Since 1990, the year that The Convention on Rights of the Child entered into force, a more pernicious form of Parental Alienation has permeated global societies. In order to comply with the yearly resolutions suggested by NGOs to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, States and their governments initiated, developed and sustained a persecution against parents to separate them from their children. Those resolutions are accepted unquestiongly and never contested.
Children Protection agencies are heartlessly taking children away from their homes and their parents, grandparents and family under the most unreasonable and heinous excuses in order to give them away to foster homes and adoption places.
This absurd cruelty and brutality has to stop now!
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